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Pourquoi la Suède remplace les tablettes par des manuels scolaires : un retour aux sources de l’éducation

Pourquoi la Suède remplace les tablettes par des manuels scolaires : un retour aux sources de l’éducation

Ces dernières années, la Suède a fait un choix surprenant : revenir aux manuels scolaires en papier dans les écoles, après une décennie d'adoption massive des tablettes numériques. Cette décision a...

ÉducationPrise de notes lycée

7 Tips for Taking Notes in High School

Ready to boost your skills and make your notebooks more captivating than ever? Hang in there, because here are 7 essential tips to become a pro at taking notes in high scho...

Éducationéchec scolaire

How to help a teenager who is failing at school?

Academic failure can be a complex challenge, affecting not only academic achievement but also an adolescent's emotional well-being. Understanding the causes of academic failure is essential to pro...

ÉducationScanner ses documents

Organizing your notes: Practical guide to effective note-taking

Hello note-takers! 📝 Have you ever felt that feeling of confusion when looking at your notes, not knowing where to start? Don't panic, in this article, we will explore together simple and practica...

ÉducationRéviser rapidement

6 Techniques for Revising Quickly

In the quest to revise quickly and efficiently, it is essential to explore dynamic approaches. This article presents six innovative techniques to speed up your revisions while consolidating your u...

ÉducationRéussir son Bac

Succeeding in your Baccalaureate: 10 Tips for Guaranteed Success

The Baccalaureate, a crucial stage of your educational journey, requires careful preparation to excel. This comprehensive guide accompanies you on this adventure, offering practical advice and ans...

ÉducationRéviser efficacement

How to revise effectively? ✏️

Ah, the famous courseup, the headache of many students. Once you have obtained the BAC, you are presented with the stressful choice of: YOUR FUTURE (I've been there) CPGE, IUT, university, school.....

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