Our history
The genesis
After shared experiences in Australia, Stephen, Faustine and Luc settled in the south of France to develop their brand of reusable notebooks, Econotes.
This experience in Australia fueled their strength and ambition by shaping a very strong desire for entrepreneurship.
It was then that, in 2018, Stephen looked at the paper industry, the production of which can be more polluting than we imagine. There are few things more ephemeral than paper!
It was in 2019 that Econotes was born, with an innovative and responsible solution, offering notebooks of a new kind, you can write, erase, start again.

Our history
The first reusable diary
Every year millions of diaries end up in the trash with only a few pages used.
This is where the idea was born, to adapt the econotebook to a diary format, without a date, which could be reused from one year to the next and thus limit paper waste.

Our history
The first reusable notebooks made in France
With the fierce will of our community and the entire econotes team, we achieved the feat in 2021 of relocating production to France, without increasing our prices, while improving the quality of our products.

Our history
Repositionable and reusable sticky notes
This is the first product that our econoteurs requested from us after the release of the very first econotebook.
But how can you create a reusable “post-it” if it no longer sticks to surfaces after a few uses?
In 2022, we found the solution...

Our history
Econotebook becomes econotes
At the beginning, there was the econotebook, the first reusable notebook.
Then comes the agenda, the ecostiks...
Today, we no longer just make notebooks, but a whole range of stationery products aimed at reducing paper waste.
With econotes, we reaffirm our desire to offer sustainable solutions.

Notre histoire
Les Ecostiks se métamorphosent en Stick-it
Selon une étude menée par un géant de la papeterie jetable, une personne au bureau reçoit en moyenne 11 p*st-it (notes repositionnables) par jour.
Pour répondre à ce besoin tout en restant fidèles à notre engagement pour une papeterie durable, nous avons lancé une campagne de crowdfunding sur Ulule afin de réinventer nos Ecostiks. Cette campagne a été un véritable succès, dépassant 900 % de notre objectif de préventes. Grâce à cet incroyable soutien, nous avons pu transformer les Ecostik en Stick-it : plus fins, plus souples, et dotés d'une nouvelle technologie qui améliore leur adhérence.
Désormais, en plus d'être effaçables à l'eau, ils peuvent également être gommés sans laisser de traces. De plus, ils sont disponibles dans un large choix de couleurs et sont fabriqués dans notre atelier, garantissant ainsi une qualité française et un impact environnemental réduit.
The founders


General manager

Human ressources
The econotes team

Product manager

Communications & partnerships manager

Junior Creative Lead