The notebook bar

Create the econotebook (A5) of your dreams from more than 120,000 possibilities!
Choose wisely because this will certainly be your longest relationship...

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Select the cover that suits you!

There are 16 anyway...


Select the cover that suits you!

There are 16 anyway...


Because we like to challenge you on the combination of colors.

We promise, we won’t judge you!


Because we like to challenge you on the combination of colors.

We promise, we won’t judge you!

Fermeture élastique

Toujours plus pratique de pouvoir bien fermer son carnet et le garder à l'abri des regards indiscrets !

Fermeture élastique

Toujours plus pratique de pouvoir bien fermer son carnet et le garder à l'abri des regards indiscrets !

Interior pages

Line pages if you also don't write straight.

Little points for “bullet journaling”.

Small tiles to make “octagons without a ruler”. #B2O

Large tiles because you've always dreamed of writing like the teacher.

For licensed designers, blank pages .

NB 1: In addition, you can mix up to 3 types of pages in the same notebook!
NB 2: each notebook is made up of 60 pages.

Organization pages

That's if you're organized...

In fact, even if you're not, it's for you!

  • 2 pages To-Do List
  • 2 weekly pages
  • 2 monthly pages
  • 2 annual pages

And that’s: 8 organizational pages!

Interior pages

Line pages if you also don't write straight.

Little points for “bullet journaling”.

Small tiles to make “octagons without a ruler”. #B2O

Large tiles because you've always dreamed of writing like the teacher.

For licensed designers, blank pages .

NB 1: In addition, you can mix up to 3 types of pages in the same notebook!
NB 2: each notebook is made up of 60 pages.

Organization pages

That's if you're organized...

In fact, even if you're not, it's for you!

  • 2 pages To-Do List
  • 2 weekly pages
  • 2 monthly pages
  • 2 annual pages

And that’s: 8 organizational pages!


Do you write in blue? Choose blue!

Do you write in black? Choose black!

Do you write in green? Ah good ?

Do you write in red? We said we don't judge...

Do you write with 4 hands? Grab the 4-pack!


Pack 1: because you already have what you need.
wipe + pen holder

Pack 2: because you have a kit.
spray + wipe + pen holder

Pack 3: because you like it when it’s practical!
2-in-1 spray + pen holder


Do you write in blue? Choose blue!

Do you write in black? Choose black!

Do you write in green? Ah good ?

Do you write in red? We said we don't judge...

Do you write with 4 hands? Grab the 4-pack!


Pack 1: because you already have what you need.
wipe + pen holder

Pack 2: because you have a kit.
spray + wipe + pen holder

Pack 3: because you like it when it’s practical!
2-in-1 spray + pen holder

You know everything !

Does this inspire you?

Create your own notebook to see what it looks like!

I'm trying

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